Established in 2014, the Robogals Monash chapter finds its home at Monash University, joining the ranks of other Robogals chapters worldwide. Our mission, echoing that of our sister chapters, is to inspire greater participation by women in STEM related disciplines in order to promote greater gender diversity and equality in these fields. We accomplish this through engaging, interactive workshops and a variety of events, including our flagship annual Hackathon and the cross-discipline Engage Engineer event that is ran in collaboration with numerous other student teams at Monash University.

If you're eager to discover more about us, we warmly invite you to meet us in person during Monash University's open days and orientation weeks. Alternatively, feel free to reach out to us through our social media channels linked below @robogalsmonash, or simply drop us an email at monash.exec@robogals.org. We're always delighted to connect with you!